
About Interjakt Sweden AB and this privacy policy

Interjakt Sweden AB, Reg. No. 556991-3915, Åslanda 302, 672 91 Årjäng, Sweden (“Interjakt” or “we”) is a Swedish company with the business to procure, distribute and market weapons, hunting accessories and ammunition as well as other business activities compatible thereto.

As part of our business, Interjakt processes personal data for which Interjakt is the data controller. This means that Interjakt is responsible for ensuring that the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable law and this privacy policy. We take all necessary measures to make sure that your personal data are being processed by us in a lawful, fair and transparent manner.

Please note that this policy also applies to processing of personal data carried out by Interjakt Norway AS, since Interjakt acts as data controller in relation to processing carried out by the Norwegian company. Furthermore, this policy applies to processing of personal data carried out through the websites and (the “Websites”)

It is important to us that you feel comfortable with how we process your personal data. This privacy policy covers all necessary information about our personal data processing activities and it is important that you read and understand this privacy policy before you use any of our services. You should not use our services if you do not approve of this privacy policy. Should you have any questions regarding our processing of your personal data, please contact us by using the contact details below.

Please note that our Websites may contain links to websites provided by third parties. These websites have their own privacy policies and Interjakt is not responsible for their business or their information policies. We recommend users who submit information to or through these third-party websites to review the privacy policies on these websites before submitting any personal data to them.

For the collection, administration and retention of information collected via cookies, please see the “Cookies” section below.

What personal data do we collect and where from?

The types of personal data that we collect may, depending on the context, include:

-name and contact information including address, mobile number and e-mail address;

-delivery and billing information, payment information and other information that you provide in connection with the purchase or delivery of a product or service;

-job applications, including cover letters, resumé, and photos (as applicable);

-personal identity number;

-user name and password to our online services;

-other information that is relevant for customer surveys, advertisement/marketing or offers; and/or

-IP address.

We may collect your personal data from the following sources:

-when your order or purchase any of our products from the Websites or


-when you contact us by e-mail or phone or via the Websites;

when you visit the Websites;

-by way of agreementinvoice or other business contact, if you are a customer or a contact person for any of our business partners;

-via social media, e-mail marketing and newsletter, business events, computer programs, checkout; and/or

-from third parties in the form of group companies, public records, or any of our business partners.


In order to provide our services, we use cookies and similar technologies on the Websites. Cookies are small text files stored on your device. The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and optimise and facilitate the users visit on the website. A cookie does not identify the user personally, but only the browser installed on the user’s device and used by the user when visiting the website. Thus, different cookies exist on different devices if you use different devices to visit the Websites. Cookies do not carry any viruses and cannot destroy other information stored on your device. Based on your consent, Interjakt uses cookies to provide statistics regarding the use of the Websites, to improve the functions on the Websites as well as for marketing purposes.

Cookies used on the Websites are deleted within a maximum of 28 days after the visit on the Websites. You may choose to accept or reject cookies directly in the browser or, as applicable, on your device.

Why do we process your personal data?

Interjakt may use your personal data for the following purposes and based on the following legal grounds:

-Performance of a contract. For the management and administration of purchases, deliveries of products and performances of services.

-Compliance with a legal obligation. We save invoice documentation and recruitment documentation in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In addition, we may process personal data of our customers when required by the Swedish Offensive Weapons Act.

-Legitimate interests. In order for us to be able to communicate with you by e-mail (or other communication tools), to manage any business transaction made by a business contact on behalf of a company and for recruitment processes, we process your personal data. We may also process your personal data for our legitimate interest to market our products and services in the best possible way, when you have requested such marketing information.

-Consent. For the purpose of using cookies on the Websites, we may obtain your consent.

Retention of personal data

Interjakt takes all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is processed and stored securely. Your personal data will never be stored longer than permitted by applicable law or longer than necessary to fulfil the above stated purposes. Your personal data will be processed by us during the following time periods, after which they will be deleted:

-Contact person for a company: Your personal data are saved for as long as        you are an appointed contact person for a company doing business with Interjakt.

-Customer: If you are one of Interjakt’s customers and provided that you do not object to your personal data being processed by us, your personal data will be saved no longer than for two years after your last purchase, unless we must save your personal data for any reason listed below.

-Performance of a contract: Personal data (name, personal identity number, address, telephone number, e-mail, billing and delivery information) which are submitted to Interjakt in connection with the order of products or services are stored for as long as necessary in order for Interjakt’s performance of the agreement with you. This includes, inter alia, fulfilling delivery or warranty commitments.

-Legal obligation: Interjakt saves any documentation that constitutes accounting information in accordance with applicable accounting legislation as well as information required pursuant to the Swedish Offensive Weapons Act.

-Communication: If you are in contact with Interjakt by, for example, e-mail your personal data are saved for as long as it is necessary for us to answer your question and complete any follow-up inquiries.

-Job applicants: Interjakt saves your application documentation, including your resumé, cover letter and photo, as applicable, during the recruitment process and for a following period of two years, in order for us to defend potential legal claims.

-Consent: In the event that we process your personal data collected through cookies based on your consent, your personal data is stored for a maximum period of 28 days from when you visited the Websites. In the event that we otherwise process your personal data based on your consent, we only save your personal data for as long as we still have your consent.

-Direct marketing: We may process your personal data for direct marketing purposes until you object to receiving direct marketing from us.

Transfer of personal data

Interjakt only transfers personal data as described below. We always observe great caution when transferring your personal data and your personal data are only transferred in accordance with this privacy policy and after taking appropriate security measures. Interjakt may transfer your personal data in the following situations:

-Group companies: Interjakt may transfer your personal data to other group companies when necessary to provide you with the specific service or product that you have requested.-Business transactions: If all or part of Interjakt’s operations is sold or integrated with any other business, operation or company, your personal data may be disclosed

-Business transactions: If all or part of Interjakt’s operations is sold or integrated with any other business, operation or company, your personal data may be disclosed to our advisors, potential buyers and their advisors, and be transferred to the new owners of the operation.

-Third-party service providers: Some companies provide services on our behalf. These services include, inter alia, distribution and analysis of information. These companies will get access to your personal data to the extent necessary for them to fulfill their obligations, but they may not use or share the information for any other purposes.

-Legal obligations:Your personal data may also be disclosed for the purpose of Interjakt’s compliance with certain legal obligations and it may be transferred to the relevant public authorities when permitted and required by law.

As a main rule, your personal data will not be transferred to countries outside the EU/EEA. However, under certain circumstances, your personal data may be transferred to countries outside of the EU/EEA, more specifically to the U.S. via the tool Google Analytics when you use/visit Interjakt’s Websites. When such transfers are carried out, Interjakt takes all appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected and that all processing is performed in accordance with this privacy policy. Such measures include certain standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission (e.g. 2010/87/EU) that have been entered into between Interjakt and the recipient, without any conflicting changes or amendments.

You have the right to obtain a copy of the safeguards that we use when transferring personal data to a country outside of the EU/EEA by contacting Interjakt.

Withdrawal of consent

In the event that we process your personal data based on your consent, it is important that you are aware of your right to withdraw your consent at any time. You may withdraw your consent by contacting us on the contact details provided below. Such withdrawal may be made in whole or in part. If you do not wish to receive marketing and offers from us, you can withdraw your consent by contacting customer service or, as regards direct marketing via e-mail, by following the link in our marketing e-mails.

Your rights

You have the right to request information about what personal data concerning you that we are processing and how it is being used by contacting us in writing (see contact details below). You also have the right to request correction of incorrect, incomplete or ambiguous personal data concerning you by contacting us. For the protection of your privacy and your personal data, we may require that you identify yourself in connection with our assistance.

In accordance with applicable data protection laws, you also have the right to request that your personal data be erased or that the processing of your personal data be restricted. In certain situations, you also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and request that your personal data be transmitted in an electronic format.

You may file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Sw. Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten) if you believe that Interjakt’s processing of your personal data is not carried out in accordance with applicable laws.

Changes to the privacy policy

Please note that the terms of the privacy policy may be changed or amended. Any new version will be published on Interjakt’s website. Consequently, you should review these terms on a regular basis to make sure that you are satisfied with the changes. In case of any material changes we will, however, e-mail you, if you have given us your e-mail address, to make you aware of any changes made.

Contact us

If you have any questions related to this privacy policy, if you suspect that a breach of this privacy policy has occurred, or if you would like to contact us for any reason stated in this privacy policy, please contact us using the contact details provided below.

Interjakt Sweden AB

Åslanda 302 67291, Årjäng, Sweden

+46 10-480 47 70
